Disability Costs

Mobility car with ramp out on a pavement. Disability Costs In the UK, perhaps even around the world, we are in a cost of living crisis. Disabled, vulnerable and chronically ill people are undoubtably feeling the squeeze too, maybe most of all. Lately, I have noticed some awful, judgemental comments on social media, deeming those unable to work as 'unworthy', 'scroungers' and a mainstream television show has even questioned whether the most vulnerable in society should have their benefits stopped all together. These wealthy folks who talk about kindness, would see us suffer. Let’s dispel some myths: Myth 1: Being disabled, you get everything free. This is laughable it's so wrong, I’ll explain what I mean in a minute. Myth 2: Being unable to work, you have oodles of free time. Hahaha. Have you met my neurologists, ophthalmologist, audiologist, gynaecologist, gastroenterologist, dietitian, physiotherapist and SALT team? Many of which I have to fight to get an appointm...