
Showing posts from August, 2021

A TG can I buy a ticket please

 My first survey will be about the online experience of ATG tickets. I love going to the theatre and have really missed it whilst shielding. In 2020, I had to cancel many tickets that I had booked so you can imagine how much I have been eagerly anticipating what to add to my ‘to see‘ list.   Many theatres use ATG to sell their tickets. However, the ATG booking  system is not accessible.  - ATG fault 1 On the website, when you go to view the seating plan, the wheelchair space is not listed.    As you can see, the above photo, does not describe where the wheelchair  space is.  - ATG fault 2 In addition to the website not listing the wheelchair spaces, it also does not inform potential paying customers when, or even if there is an audio-described performance (for blind and visually impaired people), the signed performance (for deaf and hard of hearing people) and the autism friendly performances. Those of us needing these requirements are told to email the theatre to see if headphones, He
Hello the access champion is here. I have been an access champion in the past and I’m hoping to re-establish the role and using my experiences of being a Visually impaired, wheelchair user who has aphasia. As the world opens up again, I thought I’d blog about how I have found it, as a disabled person. I look forward to assessing the physical access, the online experience and most importantly, the friendliness and general atmosphere. I'll praise when necessary and suggest improvements in the hope that something will change and it'll help other disabled people.