Don't Assume You Know Me
Don't assume you know me. Being visibly disabled, people assume I don't mind if they ask me totally inappropriate questions. Image description: Background with clouds, dark and pale blues and yellow star like shapes, in the centre is a white box with text that reads; Inappropriate questions that I have been asked: * How does someone like you go to the toilet? My reply: the same way you do, I presume. * Does she have... Then they guess various health conditions, such as cerebral palsy and autism. They are surprised when I give them a full scientific run down of Mito. * What on earth is that? My reply: it's a blind cane. It detects traffic light bobbles and kerbs that I can't see. *What school do you go too? I used to work at a special needs school, do you remember me?My reply: No, I went to mainstream. When a stranger, someone you’ve just met asks such personal question, it's not on. My body, my mobility aids and my medical/educational history are no-one's b...